About this course
Module 1: Introduction to Kotlin
- What is Kotlin?
- Kotlin's history and evolution
- Key features and advantages of Kotlin
Module 2: Getting Started with Kotlin 4. Setting up the development environment
- Writing your first Kotlin program
- Kotlin basics: variables, data types, and operators
Module 3: Control Flow 7. Conditional statements (if, when)
- Looping constructs (for, while)
- Ranges and progressions in Kotlin
Module 4: Functions and Lambdas 10. Defining functions
- Lambda expressions and higher-order functions
- Function scope and visibility modifiers
Module 5: Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin 13. Classes and objects in Kotlin
- Properties and fields
- Constructors and initialization
- Inheritance and interfaces
- Data classes and sealed classes
- Extension functions
Module 6: Null Safety 19. Null references in Kotlin
- The Elvis operator
- Safe calls and the !! operator
- Smart casts
Module 7: Collections and Functional Programming 23. Lists, sets, and maps
- Collection operations (map, filter, reduce)
- Immutable collections
- Sequences in Kotlin
Module 8: Coroutines 27. Introduction to concurrency and threading
- Coroutines basics: suspending functions, launch, async
- Coroutine contexts and dispatchers
- Structured concurrency
Module 9: Exception Handling 31. Exception hierarchy in Kotlin
- Try-catch blocks
- Custom exceptions
Module 10: File I/O and Input Validation 34. Reading and writing files
- Input validation techniques
Module 11: Android App Development with Kotlin 36. Kotlin in Android development
- Building user interfaces with Kotlin in Android Studio
- Handling events and interactions
- Working with Android resources
Module 12: Kotlin for Web Development 40. Introduction to Kotlin/JS
- Building web applications with Kotlin/JS and popular frameworks like Ktor
Module 13: Testing and Debugging 42. Unit testing with Kotlin
- Debugging techniques and tools
Module 14: Dependency Injection with Kotlin 44. Introduction to Dependency Injection
- Using popular DI frameworks like Koin or Dagger with Kotlin
Module 15: Kotlin and Databases 46. Working with databases using Kotlin
- Integrating Kotlin with SQL and NoSQL databases
Module 16: Kotlin and Spring Boot 48. Building RESTful APIs with Kotlin and Spring Boot
- Database interaction in Spring Boot with Kotlin
Module 17: Building Desktop Applications with Kotlin 50. Introduction to Kotlin/Native
- Developing cross-platform desktop applications
Module 18: Kotlin Best Practices 52. Coding standards and style guides
- Performance optimization techniques
Module 19: Future Trends and Kotlin Ecosystem 54. Exploring Kotlin's evolving ecosystem
- Future trends and advancements in Kotlin
Module 20: Project Work and Practical Applications 56. Applying Kotlin knowledge to real-world projects