What you will learn?
Live Classes
Basic to advance
InternKro will cover all Core skills
About this course
1. Introduction to JavaScript:
- Learn the basics of JavaScript, including its role in web development and its syntax.
- Understand how JavaScript is executed in the browser and its interactions with HTML and CSS.
2. Variables and Data Types:
- Explore JavaScript data types such as strings, numbers, booleans, objects, arrays, and more.
- Learn how to declare variables using var, let, and const.
3. Operators and Expressions:
- Study arithmetic, comparison, logical, and assignment operators in JavaScript.
- Understand how to write expressions and use operator precedence.
4. Control Flow:
- Learn about conditional statements like if, else if, and switch for making decisions in your code.
- Study loops such as for, while, and do-while for repetitive tasks.
5. Functions:
- Understand how to define and call functions in JavaScript.
- Explore function parameters, return values, and the concept of scope.
6. Arrays and Objects:
- Learn about arrays and their methods for storing and manipulating lists of data.
- Understand objects, their properties, methods, and object-oriented programming concepts.
7. Scope and Closures:
- Study the concept of scope in JavaScript, including global scope, function scope, and block scope.
- Learn about closures and their use in preserving state in functions.
8. DOM Manipulation:
- Explore the Document Object Model (DOM) and how to manipulate HTML elements using JavaScript.
- Learn how to select elements, modify their content, and respond to user interactions.
9. Events and Event Handling:
- Understand how to attach event listeners to elements and respond to user interactions.
- Learn about event propagation, delegation, and preventing default behavior.
10. Asynchronous Programming:
- Study asynchronous programming in JavaScript using callbacks, promises, and async/await.
- Learn about the event loop, setTimeout, setInterval, and the Fetch API for making asynchronous requests.
11. Error Handling:
- Learn how to handle errors in JavaScript using try...catch blocks and the throw statement.
- Explore best practices for debugging and handling exceptions.
12. ES6 and Modern JavaScript:
- Familiarize yourself with ECMAScript 6 (ES6) features such as arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, spread/rest operators, and classes.
13. Promises and Fetch API:
- Dive deeper into promises, understanding how to create, chain, and handle asynchronous operations.
- Learn about the Fetch API for making HTTP requests and handling responses.
14. Modules and Module Systems:
- Understand how to organize and structure your code using ES6 modules and module loaders like import and export.
15. Design Patterns:
- Study common design patterns in JavaScript, including the singleton pattern, factory pattern, and module pattern.
16. Functional Programming:
- Learn about functional programming concepts in JavaScript, such as higher-order functions, map, filter, reduce, and immutability.
Mastering these JavaScript topics will provide you with a strong foundation for building interactive and dynamic web applications. Remember that practice, experimentation, and continuous learning are essential for becoming proficient in JavaScript development.